Many residents of our homes for rent in Owasso are excited to get back to dinner parties and get-togethers with friends and loved ones. Still, while much progress has been made in the pandemic response among our communities, it’s wise to be mindful of the risks of COVID transmission, especially with the Delta variant causing resurgences of COVID cases. When gathering in your home, there are some easy steps you can take to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission while still allowing you to reconnect with people in person. Here are a few of the tips we recommend.
Check Your Air Filter
What we know about COVID-19 is that the better your air quality and ventilation situation is, the lower your risk of being exposed to high enough levels of virus particles to get sick. That’s why several of our recommendations relate to airflow and air quality. Our maintenance team can help check your air filter and make sure it’s working properly. If you’re not sure if your air filter has been checked recently, you can put in a work order through your resident portal.
Turn on Ceiling Fans
Improved air flow can also be achieved by turning on your ceiling fans as well as any other portable fans you may have.The more that air circulates and disperses, the less likely you are to be exposed to large amounts of airborne virus particles.
Open Doors and Windows
If you can, opening doors and windows further improves airflow and helps diffuse any airborne pathogens. Just be mindful that you don’t leave doors and windows open when it’s raining, very humid, or if you see pests outside that may want to get into your nice cozy home.
Don’t Share Dishes or Silverware
We know that surfaces don’t play as large a role in virus transmission as was once speculated, but coming into contact with someone else’s saliva or breath can still be a risk. If you have people over for food or drink, avoid sharing dishes, bottles, silverware, and the like in order to reduce the risk of transmission.
Offer Hand Sanitizer
Although your guests will have access to hand soap in your home (we hope), providing hand sanitizer in the room(s) where you gather will further reinforce good hygiene practices that reduce the spread of germs. You don’t even have to be pushy about it; just having a bottle visible will help keep hygiene top of mind.
Wear Masks
Of course, many of us are excited to gather without masks, but if you’re concerned about virus transmission risk, it’s totally within your rights and the guidelines of etiquette to wear a mask and request that others do so too, if they are able.
That’s it for our COVID-conscious gathering tips! If you found this post helpful, be sure to bookmark our blog page for easy access to future posts. Before long we’ll have another blog post up, but in the meantime, make sure you’re following Legacy Living on Facebook so you never miss our special events, promotions, and community updates!