Five Stretches For People Who Work From Their Home For Rent in Owasso

Do you work from your home for rent in Owasso? If you do, you likely spend a great deal of your day seated at a desk, even more so than other desk workers who physically commute into an office. And with all that sitting, typing, and hunching toward your computer screen, your back, glutes, shoulders, and neck can easily become tight and painful. Luckily there are plenty of stretches you can do daily or weekly to increase flexibility and decrease muscle pain.

Lunging Psoas Stretch

Because those who work from home tend to sit for long periods of time, the psoas muscle (AKA the hip flexor) tends to be contracted for extended periods. Meanwhile, our glutes, core, and quads also naturally atrophy, resulting in weaker muscles surrounding the hip flexor muscles. These factors can easily lead to a sore hip flexor that may be felt as lower back or hip pain. That’s why a lunging psoas stretch is a great choice for people who work from our Owasso rental homes.

To stretch your psoas, get in a lunging position with one knee on the floor (preferably on a mat or pillow to protect your knee) and the opposite foot flat on the floor in front of your body. You should feel a light stretch on the side of your body with the knee on the floor, in the front of your hip area. To increase the stretch, stretch your arm towards the ceiling on the same side of the body being stretched. You may also lean forward slightly, but do not extend the stretch to the point of pain.

Seated Glute Stretch

Give your glutes a refresh after they’ve been sitting for hours in your office chair! To perform this stretch, all you need is a flat-seated chair, meaning you can even do it during work if you want. 

While seated, ensure your back is straight, and your knees form 90-degree angles with your feet flat on the floor. Then bring one of your feet up to rest on the opposite quad or knee. You may use your hands to pull your leg into a comfortable position (your ankle or lower calf should be resting on your mid-quad). Once in position, you should feel a light stretch in the glute of the leg that is crossed over your opposite knee. You may increase the stretch by leaning forward over the crossed leg, keeping your back straight as you go. 

Ear To Shoulder

If you spend a lot of time hunched over at your desk, you may experience neck and shoulder pain. While this may be an indication that your desk is too short (or your chair too high), you can also help address this issue with an ear-to-shoulder stretch.

This one’s simple: just lower your left ear towards your left shoulder (or your right ear to your right shoulder) as far as it will go without straining or lifting your shoulder. You should feel a light stretch in the neck on the opposite side. You can increase the stretch by gently using one arm to press your head further down, but avoid doing this to the point of pain or strain in the arm or shoulder. 

Piriformis Stretch

This is another glute stretch that helps release tension in the piriformis muscle, which is located within the pelvis area, near the psoas. Like the psoas muscle, the piriformis naturally gets contracted when we sit, so it can suffer when you spend most of your day at a desk.

To perform this stretch, lie on your back with your knees up, then place one of your feet on top of the opposite quad, just like you would for the seated glute stretch. Then use your hands or a resistance band (clasped around the front or back of the knee, whichever is more comfortable) to pull that opposite leg toward your chest as far as you can go without pain or strain the back or glutes. You should feel this stretch along the glute and upper hamstring of the crossed leg.


Cat-cow is an easy stretch that alleviates tension in your back and chest, making it a great stretch for those who find themselves hunching a lot. It tends to be a gentle option that doesn’t create strain, so it’s a great place to start for those with limited flexibility.

The cat cow stretch oscillates between two positions (“cat” and “cow,” hence the name) which each stretch your chest and back in different ways. To start, get on your hands and knees and arch your back upward so that your shoulders are lower than the crest of your back. Then, whenever you’re ready, arch your back in the opposite direction, bringing the middle of your spine downwards toward the floor so that your shoulders and hips are higher than your mid-back and lift your head up to look toward the ceiling. You can take this one at your own pace, switching between positions as many times as you like. 

That’s it for our top stretches for telecommuters at our Owasso homes for rent! If you enjoyed this post, go ahead and bookmark our blog page for easy access to future recommendations, tips, and features. You should also be sure to follow Legacy Living on Facebook so you can stay informed about all the special events, promotions, and updates about our Tulsa homes for rent.